Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Still sick...

...my computer that is.  I'm at school late for a meeting today, so I thought I would pop in the blog world and say hi!

I've started reading How to Have a New Teenager by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman.  It's written for those who parent teenagers.  While I do not have a teenager that sleeps under my roof, there are days in which I feel like I have 13 teenagers, so I thought, why not?  My grandma had recently read How to Have a New Husband by Friday and had good things to say about it...  I'll let you know when I finish it what my thoughts are.

I also just got another Ron Clark book in the mail!!  I'm excited!  I ordered The End of Molasses Classes.  I <3 Ron Clark!

Our academic fair is coming up soon (March 9.)  I just read one of my students reports about September 11.  I'm blown away! She's done a great job so far!  I can't wait to take pictures of them and their projects.  I'll share them here.

I can't wait for my blog give-away!  I only need 4 more followers!  Do you want a hint?  Okay, here it is...one of the items rhymes with swift guard... :)

1 comment:

  1. I just finished reading Ron Clark's new book. It was very good and thought-provoking...as he always is!
