Thursday, November 10, 2011

Letter to a Veteran

Have you seen the post that Ashleigh at Education Journey left on Saturday, here?  She created a Veteran's Day Choice Board for her students.  I loved it!  It's geared for younger students, but I used it in my 5th & 6th Grade room, just tweaked it a bit.  I required them to choose 5 activities, and cut out the activity on synonyms because I felt that one was a bit to simple and I couldn't think of a way to challenge them with it.  Instead of adjectives to describe veterans, I had them write sentences.  They LOVED it.

I wanted to share one of the letter's that was written, because I thought that J did an excellent job with it.  I'm going to send their letters to some veterans that I know.

Dear Veteran,
  Thank you for serving in the war and being in the military.  Thank you for fighting for our country, and putting your life on the line for people you don't even know.  You guys are so strong that you're able to leave your families to go fight in a war. I admire you so much!  You protect us and do everything you can to keep us safe. You even go to other countries and help orphans and kids on the streets have a better life and have a family.  I do not think people realize how lucky we are.  I believe that you guys pointed that out by keeping us protected and not getting bombed or anything like that. I thank you for serving in the army and fighting in war.  You are very strong and courageous and I'm very thankful for people like you!
Your Friend,


  1. I'm so happy that this worked well for you! The letter is incredible!
    Ashleigh's Education Journey

  2. I found that project too and I used it (again, with a little tweaking) in my 6th and 7th grade classes this week!! My students loved making the flag with the patriotic song lyrics and they will make for some good hallway decorations :)
